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While cleaning up the kitchen this morning – I found we had some pizza crusts left over. Perfect for the crows.  I went out on the deck.  When I threw the first piece, there was a loud crow ‘CAW!’  Just one.  The gulls swooped in, almost arms reach over my head.  Easily 2 dozed of them. As I tossed the pieces up in the air they tried to grab them. None succeeded.  Three crows landed about 15 feet away.

After the last crust was tossed. I went into the house – 4 steps away. Closed the door, grabbed my camera (right next to the door), turned around. It was all over. There was no bread left and most of the birds were gone.

So here are the pictures of the “Leftovers” – Clicking on the pictures will let you see picture fit to your screen. Use your browser’s back arrow to return to see the other pix.

20151109-D-Crow-n-Gulls-(2)bw20151109-D-Crow-n-Gulls-(17) 20151109-D-Crow-n-Gulls-(9)20151109-D-Crow-n-Gulls-(19) 20151109-D-Crow-n-Gulls-(20)Ya got any more, Buddy?

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Here are a couple of art shots:

20151109-D-Crow-n-Gulls-(21) 20151109-D-Crow-n-Gulls-(35)

All the time I was shooting, Tucker was supervising and meowing softly:20151109-D-Crow-n-Gulls-(26)